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Our home visit therapist Michelle is able to diagnose your ailments minutes within examining your feet. Not only is she able to help you treat them, she also gives you advice on self-care. She has impeccable hygiene, a sunny disposition and real interest and care to help you. 

Michelle holds a Level 5 Diploma in Practitioner Reflexology (CRM5) -  the highest reflexology qualification in the UK - which is recognised by both the NHS and major insurance companies.

Other than General Reflexology,  Michelle's specialism include Pregnancy/Maternity Reflexology, Fertility Reflexology and Reflexology for Palliative Care.

Michelle will visit you within 3 miles of Victoria Park and will bring her own reflexology chair. All we ask is for you to provide some towels and advise on suitable parking spaces. Michelle will also travel further afield for couple of group bookings. 

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